▫️Recurring payments

Recurring payments - Spark

Creating recurring payment

Cryptocurrency recurring payments are a means to automate routine business dealings using digital assets. They can be helpful for membership fees, contributions, subscription-based services, and other recurring payments.

You must first establish a payment that details the amount, currency, and frequency of the payments before sharing it with your payers in order to implement recurring payments. When the payer clicks on the link, he will be sent to the spark website, where he must log in before confirming the payment schedule and sending the first payment. Following that, the plan's automatic installments will begin.


The 'discount_days' option specifies the initial time period in days, while the 'discount_amount' parameter specifies the discounted price. For instance, if you provide a discount_amount for the first 30 days for the entire month, the user will make their first payment at a discounted rate and their following payments at full price.

The discount amount must be in the currency specified by the parameter ‘currency’.

Request example

A sample example with the very minimal amount of parameters is shown below. The fiat currency USD will be used to produce a bill in this instance. The user will be able to choose the cryptocurrency and network to pay for this bill on the payment page.

-H 'merchant: 8d06-064591096795' \
-H 'sign: fa43fe9907b302b95' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
        "amount": "15",
        "currency": "USDT",
        "name": "Recurring payment",
	"period": "monthly"

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